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L’Atelier Bletterie est une association loi 1901, active depuis 1985 à La Rochelle, qui gère des ateliers d’artistes et une galerie d'exposition d'art contemporain.

L’association vise à :
Promouvoir l’art contemporain
et le métier d’artiste

Développer l’éducation populaire des arts plastiques et graphiques
Apporter une aide technique, matérielle et morale aux artistes

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Pasolini Legge Pasolini, Poesia in forma di rosa
Label: RCA Italiana
Format: Vinyl, 7"
Country: Italy
Genre: Poetry
Year: 1962
Pier Paolo Pasolini was an Italian film director, poet, writer, and intellectual, who also distinguished himself as an actor, journalist, novelist, playwright, and political figure. He remains a controversial personality in Italy due to his blunt style and the focus of some of his works on taboo sexual matters. He was an established major figure in European literature and cinematic arts. His murder prompted an outcry in Italy and its circumstances continue to be a matter of heated debate.